Ah, another holiday season has come and gone and a New Year with the chance to bring in exciting new changes and let go of what no longer serves me in my life. It is a time to set intentions and goals. I wrote out three but realize now that I have them in the wrong order of priority. One of the most amazing things I have discovered this year was (and continues to be) Nia. Yes it is exercise but it has quickly become more then that. It has become something that I look forward to with much joy and I know no matter how I feel, the community and the practice will always leave me is a better space. The very first principle in Nia is to find the joy of movement, or the pleasure principle.
This last year was often overwhelming for me on a lot of levels as I committed to the work of being myself, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. So my first intention this year is to grow the joy that comes from my Nia dance into every aspect and every day of my life. I want to find the pleasure and joy in the day to day with a sense of gratitude especially when I find the list of things to get done is longer then I have time for!
My second intention is a bit more specific as I set goals for my creativity and commit to writing, editing and yes I am going to go here, publishing. There. I said the very scary “P” word. I want to hold a copy of my very own book that I have written. This will mean taking some personal risks and being in a space that is prepared for success.
My last, (which ironically was written first!), intention is all about losing weight as clichéd as that may sound as a goal. At first I felt a sense of disappointment that despite exercise and trying to eat healthier, I never seemed to permanently lose weight this year. It was then that I realized that I was focusing on the wrong kind of weight and that the baggage I was in the process of getting rid of was far more important then any number of pounds. So I state the intention to continue to lose, that which no longer serves my family or me in my life. (And if physical weight gets lost in the process, I am certainly not going to complain!) Self doubt, irrational fears, I am looking at you. Oh, and inner critic, you are officially on notice!
Peace and Love this year!Happy 2009 Everyone!
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